5 Proven Ways Drinking Tea Can Benefit Your Health

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Tea tastes terrific and goes with almost anything. Tons of restaurants offer it, and there are plenty of types to pick from.
This popular beverage is also a global sensation for its many health benefits. Whether you’re drinking it while out to lunch or during dinner at home, here’s how your next glass of tea could boost your health.
1. Supports Weight Loss
Tea may help you shed a few pounds since it’s rich in polyphenols. These chemical groups facilitate weight loss through their interactions with stomach bacteria. These interactions inhibit the breakdown of hormones, like norepinephrine, allowing them to maximize their natural fat-burning capabilities.
2. Enhances Heart Health
Tea improves the function of the endothelial cells that line the interior of blood vessels. These cells help promote regular blood circulation, reducing the strain on the heart to lower the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
3. Aids Oral Health
Tea minimizes plaque accumulation because it impacts glucosyltransferase, which is a bacterial enzyme that turns residual sugars into the sticky mixture that degrades teeth. This will effectively reduce tooth enamel damage. Additionally, some teas, like black and green, contain fluoride, a mineral used in toothpaste for its ability to repair enamel.
4. Provides Antioxidants
Antioxidants fight cell damage caused by free radicals from alcohol and tobacco consumption, as well as simple traces of chemicals in the air we breathe. Since tea contains antioxidants, it may help deter serious medical conditions like cancer.
5. Offers a Lower Caffeine Intake
Many people like a little caffeine to get them going, but too much can cause anxiety, heart problems, and digestive health issues. Fortunately, you can get a smaller, safer boost in energy with tea. A cup of tea contains about 70 milligrams of caffeine, while the same amount of coffee contains nearly 100.
Come browse our freshly made tea flavors, and see our weekly specials. We sell to individuals, restaurants, schools, catering companies, and more – tea is for everyone, and so are we. It’s always tea time at Tim’s Tea, so visit us online or call 104-762-7368.